Our Impact
Since the Coalition was founded, we’ve advanced legislation that has prevented crashes and saved lives across New York State.
Sammy's Law
Signed in 2024, Sammy’s Law (S2422/A7266) allows New York City to control its own speed limits in a way that is tailored to neighborhoods’ actual safety needs. With this bill, speed limits can now be lowered to 20 mph where it makes sense. The bill is named after Families for Safe Streets co-founder Amy Cohen’s son.
Complete streets
The Complete Streets Funding law (S.3897/A.8936) makes it easier for municipalities across New York State to invest in complete streets projects and save lives – by reducing their cost share of federally funded transportation projects if the municipality agrees to build complete streets features.
Statewide Speed Limit Bill
The Statewide Speed Limit law(S2021 / A01007 ), passed in 2022, authorizes cities, villages and towns to reduce the speed limit to twenty-five miles per hour. See 25 Saves Lives for more information on how you can make this change in your community.